Exploring the Differences Between European, French, and American Roulette in Online Casinos

Image1Players in the game of roulette use both strategy and chance to predict the result of a white ball’s spin on a wheel. This timeless casino game is played in a variety of regional variants around the globe.

In its basic state, the wheel is divided into various sections or pockets, and its random number generator sequence guarantees credible gameplay. How many pockets or sections there are on the wheel describes the type of roulette because while some have 37 numbered pockets, others maintain an additional pocket, influencing the gameplay and potential payout.

Due to the ambiguous history of the game, there are three variants known as European, French and American roulette. Read on for a breakdown of the differences among these three, plus an outline of which style suits different player preferences.

Key Differences Between Variants

Variants European French American
Pockets 37 37 38
Zero pockets Single Single Double
House Edge 2.7% 1.35% to 2.7% 5.26%

European roulette is the official template for other variants of the game. It has 37 pockets, numbered zero to 36, where numbers one to 36 are on the red and black sections, while the green section is reserved for zero. The singular zero in this variant keeps the house edge at 2.7%, making it a preferable casino choice in the UK for most players.

The French version has a similar layout to the European, but it offers a more valuable experience. Here, the ‘La Partage’ and ‘En Prison’ effects reduce the house edge to 1.35%.

The first of those two is activated when the ball stops on the green pocket, and the player has an even bet. In this case, only half of the wager is lost. At the same time, En Prison allows people to use their bets for the next spin if the ball settles on zero. The house edge remains 2.7% if La Partage and En Prison are not triggered during the session.

Alternatively, the American variant uses 38 pockets featuring the regular zero to 36 sections and an additional section with double zeros. Like the other variants, the numbers one to 36 are evenly distributed between the red and black pockets, while the zero digits are in the green pockets. The introduction of an additional pocket increases the house edge to 5.26% in American roulette.

Gameplay, Odds And Strategy

The double zeros in the American variant reduce the winning potential but offer one more type of bet, the five-number bet. Alternatively, the European and French variants offer better odds overall.


While their odds may have similar titles, the payout chances are different between European and French roulette. For instance, the highest bets like the alternate, column and dozen bets, respectively, offer 48.6%, 32.4% and 32.4% chances of winning in the European and French variants. French roulette further improves these odds with its unique rules. However, the American variant offers a slightly lesser chance of winning, ranging from 47.4% to 31.6% on the same bets.

Strategies ranging from Martingale to even money betting improve players’ winning chances. However, they are still under the influence of the house edge. So, it’s best to strategically place bets, create a budget and set limits.

Round Up

Roulette is a fascinating game of numbers with many payout options. In the online casino industry, these variants improve the gameplay. Yet, each variant comes with its pros and cons.


Players who want the option of betting on a double zero without care for the winning potential should try American roulette. However, traditional players are better off opting for the European and French variants, which offer a slightly higher payout overall.